Thursday, January 31, 2013

Daily Goals

Is setting daily goals to much pressure on oneself or is it a realistic thing to do? How many of us make lists with Things to do today? 
   I know that i have done that more than once and i tend to right down what i have already done, which makes little sense since I'm the only one looking at it. Why do we do that?  
  Let's take yesterdays daily "tasks" or "goals" list i made for myself:      
  •   Crochet 20-30 hexagon's 
  •   Make some headband's
  •   Work on getting my yarn organized again.
  •    Getting some laundry done and actually put it away. 
So let's go through them. I made some head bands , i did do some laundry and it's folded but it's on the table in the kitchen, so do i get half credit?  I didn't organized my yarn and i didn't make hexagon's, I used my yarn and i went through it ,but i didn't organize it. I made not only headbands but  beanie's and i need to finish another beanie that is still on my hook. I chased a 3 year old around, made dinner early since the husband had to work last night, got dishes done, Talked to mom, chased down the older kids to see what they were up to after school, made sure all was well with the 19 year old,(She has more drama then MTV sometimes.)Watched the Jodi Arias trial while crocheting.
   So your asking yourself what the hell is the point to this. Well my point is that I'm  still  breathing, i am not a horrible person because i didn't do what's on my list, I'm not less than, I'm not a failure etc. I'm only human and maybe i should make weekly lists instead of daily. lol  We are not robots. Some of us are working inside or outside the home, some of us have disabilities that limit us, some of us are mom's / dad's chasing small one's around, some of us have other responsibilities outside the home that we have to do, and then some of us are just plan lazy.
Just because you set Daily tasks for yourself and you don't get them all done does not make you a Failure.
   Today is a new day and maybe i can get to them today. 
   So my question for today is: 
  What are you gonna do today that you didn't get done yesterday
  What is gonna be different today? 
  I hope that this finds you all well and that you get what you need to get done today.  Don't be so hard on yourself and remember tomorrow is a new day.  
  Happy Thursday  

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hello Friends

Mini hexagon Lapghan

January 2013  

   So i started this blog to share my Crazy life with you all. To share the love of family, Friends and other things that make me who i am. My name is Erika and i'm about to turn 40 in March. I love all kinds of music, i love crime shows especially In session which are true life court cases. I just can't get enough of them. I love animals including my children. Yes my children. I have 4, well 5 if you count my husband. I have a 19 year old daughter, two 14 year old sons (not twins),and a 3 year old son.   We have a blended Family and what i mean by that is he had his and i had mine and together we have mine. lol. They are all mine now.

  Had to cut some hex's out , thank you Tommy for cutting mommie's work up.!! 

 This is my work in  progress. My mini hexagon lapghan. I started this back in November for a gift for my Aunt who has cancer. She is not only my aunt but my god mother and my friend. I have been working not only on this but other projects as well. I tell myself not to start another project but do you think i listen to myself. Of course not.

 Anyway back to this WIP  of mine.... I saw something like this on pinterest and thought i could duplicate it. Well i was wrong but i still love it and i am still going strong. The picture above was taken in November sometime. I have actually come along way since then.

Latest picture taken in January

I wish i could get farther along but i just continue to start other projects. I guess i should make a daily list of things to work on. I read other Blog's about crochet and i see that that's what they do and it seems to work for them. Maybe while  the baby is asleep i could get some more mini hex's done. 

But what color do i need to add? Can i actually start working on this and not get interrupted for the tenth time. 
What child is gonna need me this time. These are the type's of things that go through my crazy little head. I'm sure i'm not the only one in the world that has alot going through their head all at the same time.
Why is it that when you are not doing anything, and i mean anything they( the kids/Husband) want nothing to do with you, but as soon as you pick up the phone, pick up your hooks, start doing dishes, or whatever they need you right that minute? Why is that. I can never figure it out, and to top it all off I'm not sure who is worse, the husband, the children, or the dogs. 
  This is the kinda thing that i put up with on a daily basis. Oh add the Potty training to the list for the 3 year old. matter of fact maybe the husband to. Does anyone Else's husband need potty training? Geez i swear men get lazy or they just don't care that they are dribbling on the seat anymore. 

So for now i will set my goals for the day:               
  •   Crochet 20-30 hexagon's 
  •   Make some headband's
  •   Work on getting my yarn organized again.
  •    Getting some laundry done and actually put it away. 

And with all that said, i better get to it. I hope that you have enjoyed this as much as i have enjoyed sharing this with you all. I would love to get some feed back good or bad and maybe some ideas on how to make it better.