Thursday, February 21, 2013

Trial Watch 2013....

Growing up i was taught right from wrong. I was taught about the Ten Commandments . I wasn't raised in a real religious home but we did the church thing on special occasions. That was OK for us. As I got older I tried this kind of church that kind of church etc. with friends and their parents.
It wasn't until I had my own kids that I really belonged to a church or felt the need to go to church. That's not saying I didn't love or believe in God / a higher power before i had my kids . I think I was really angry at god for "taking"my loved ones away. I didn't understand of course at the time that he wasn't taking them away from me personally. I didn't get that concept until later, much later in my life after I had so much heart ache.
  I lost my grandmother when I was 12-13 , I think , and I was so angry. My grandmother was my best friend, my everything, my world. At that age she was like gold. Well she still is in my book.
  Growing up and getting into high school I lost a lot of friends. Some got sick ,some were in accidents ,some were even murdered, some even took their own life.
  Anyway I am watching the #AZ vs. Jodi Arias trial and I find myself becoming so involved. (just like the Casey Anthony trial) I'm yelling at the TV and cussing at her and at her lawyers. I am getting so tired of these women playing the victim and not taking responsibility for their own decisions , and there own poor judgments. Come on now you can't use "my mom and dad spanked me with a spoon and a belt " so I was abused bull crap for your defense. I was Spanked with much worse and i haven't killed anyone. I was cheated on by my boyfriends, hit by my boyfriends etc.. but i never ever took someone Else's life. I have been in horrible relationships in the past but never did i shoot or stab anyone. I actually have been in fear for my life and my kid's life but i never killed anyone. ( That is a whole different topic/ Oprah show)This isn't to say that there are not  women out there that have killed their spouses or boyfriends, are wrong for making that choice because it was probably the only choice. I am just talking about this case.
   Using the whole i was miss treated by my first boyfriend and others there after is a crock of shit too. Using the whole i was a battered woman syndrome defense is also a load of crap. Honestly i find it offensive, that her lawyers are using any of this crap. I get that they are gonna do and say anything to save her from getting the death penalty that is their job, but really.
   This woman #Jodi Arias has lied and lied over and over about what happened on the day she murdered #Travis Alexander and there after. She (Jodi Arias) can remember everything leading up to that horrible day including where she bought water from 5 years ago and what she had ordered from Starbucks 5 years ago but she can't remember that she stabbed Travis 29 times in the back and slit his throat from ear to ear. Yes i believe people can have PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome) and i do believe that you can black out. (alcoholics do it all the time), But don't sit there and fake cry, with your fake tears, and say you don't remember. It's a load of crap. Let's be honest. Let's tell the truth. Have you ever thought that if you were to tell the truth it just might set you free. Free from it all. You might be able to sleep better at night.
So her is my advice to you #Jodi Arias ,That you tell the truth and nothing but the truth. You would feel better. Yes you will have to face the consequences of your actions but that feeling in your gut , that sickening feeling will go away. Try it.

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